Friday, April 27, 2012

Not all about me

I'm going to try to get stories on other guys experiences with being gay & positive.  We are not alone in this

Tonight I'm going to a pizza party/pot luck held by a social group called B.O.L.T. or Bringing Our Lives Together.  I've heard  a fair number of people who show up at B.O.L.T. events are like me

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Better Each Day

Today would be D's and mine fourth anniversary.  Am I sad he left me?  Only a bit otherwise I wouldn't be writing about this.  I've met some fun guys and far too many who are in the same boat: just out of a relationship.

Do I crave one? Hell yes!  It's companionship I desire, a best friend, one man for one man.

Oh I could have (and did) enjoy some non personal connections but in the end I've felt empty.

Each day, I give blessings for health, work and a home of my own (more so that the room mate skipped out)

Jallen Rix wrote a song called "Better Than Before"  (sadly I can't find the lryrics) who's words meet me now so I'll end with some from Romanovsky & Phillips

Living with love, not living in fear
Healing with hope and drawing them near
It's a place to begin, it's a step we can take
Empowering people whose lives are at stake
Living with love, not living in fear
Embracing the light when shadows appear
It's a place to begin, it's a good way to start
Releasing the power we hold in our hearts

Saturday, April 7, 2012

"Plan to Stay That Way"

No that I'm back to being single I've been using all the ways available to find a date or such.

This is something no one ever says in person but will write in an online profile

"Negative and plan to stay that way"   Understood but why be so blunt?  What's wrong with just "Safe"

I never and don't really know anyone who PLANNED on becoming HIV positive.   UB2: that's about the same thing

How about we as a community, men who like sex and or the company of men say "I'm honest can UB2?"

Now, how I live, have relations with is our business.  I don't and never will judge some one for what may be odd like "panties" "420" "Hard core leather sex"   It's all about who you are & like.
Saying online UB2 or Plan on staying that way is, to me, expressing a fear or someone not trusting them selves or being/feeling so powerless to say "NO" to something they don't like

I say NO to liver,  No to ice cream and NO to carbs but I'm not compelled to say Plan to never eat them

Ok rant over so lets return to regular programing  and as Sergeant Phil Esterhaus: Hey, let's be careful out there.